www.slotmachinedepot.co.uk - One Arm Bandits and Slot Machines

Caille Commercial - SlotMachineDepot.Co.Uk

slot machine depotWhatsapp (07388 249187) - Email or Text

Send a Photo - We reply same day, Instant Offer, Instant Cash and We Collect UK wide - SAMEDAY!

Single Machines OR Complete Collections, we can also sell collections on your behalf!


I have been fixing, restoring and cleaning since 1981 almost any mechanical coin operated machine. One Arm Bandits, Allwins, Vending Machines, Slot Machines, GumBall Vendors, Caille Commercial, Jukeboxes, Pinball Machines, Vintage Mechanical Calculators and other such vintage machines.

Based in the UK just a few miles from London in Hertfordshire.

www.slotmachinedepot.co.uk Wanted Mills Jennings Watling Sega Slot Machines


Slot Machines - Buyers Price Guide £9.95

One Arm Bandits Wanted to BuyEssential reading for the first time buyer. This recent publication lifts the lid on the world of slot machine collecting. The book is primarily for the beginners to this hobby of buying vintage mechanical devices, One Arm Bandits. The idea behind the publication was to allow "new blood" to be informed about buying a gem and not a turkey, paying a reasonable price and not being "done" by an unscrupulous seller.

If you are a seasoned collector of slots, then the buyers guide part of the book will probably be of little interest, but it was not written with you in mind! But as the author states in the book that we've all been "beginners" at some time, and like anything you buy for the first time, knowledge is key. Buying a vintage machine is always difficult because the information is not often readily available, so this guide book gives a short history of gambling machines, the various manufacturers, the things to consider when buying and most importantly a guidance of price you can expect to pay based purely on past sale prices. The book does stress the fact that like all things we buy, the price guide is purely that... a guide price.

www.slotmachinedepot.co.uk - One Arm Bandits and Slot MachinesThe book is filled with full colour pictures of the machines and covers the most common slots you are likely to encounter for sale. It does not attempt to list every device ever made, this would be several thousand different varieties.

The book also has chapters on servicing hints and tips for both Slot Machines and Allwins, there's a pictorial guide on how a One Arm Bandit works, and copious amount of advice from veteran collectors.

Highly recommended for the 1st time buyer, and a great read for anyone who loves anything mechanical and vintage. Help support Slot Collecting by recommending the book and encourage "new blood" in to this hobby.

Available now from Amazon Worldwide. Click Here to Preview Book

www.slotmachinedepot.co.uk - One Arm Bandits and Slot Machines

Sell your complete collection to us OR have us sell your machines by us and keep your anonymity and privacy. Contact me TODAY

New Phone number for Slot Machine Depot: 07388 249187

Have a full mechanical slot machine service from £120

Ideal Buyers Guide for Slots and Allwins, How They Work, How to Service them and how much they are worth. Full colour photos too! Visit Amazon or Click Advert below.

19th March 2022

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Working, Non-Working, Broken, Tatty, Rusty, Incomplete

Look in your shed, garage or bottom of the garden... Among the Fairies and Knomes, Do you have an old mechanical gadget, Slot Machine, Caille Commercial, Pinball Machine or Jukebox you want rid of?

We pay CASH and we COLLECT any type of mechanical or electro-mechanical slot machine (NOT modern day Fruit machines!), Pinball Machines, Jukeboxes, Vintage Vending, Old One Arm Bandits or Allwin Flickball, Vintage typewriters, and any mechanical device or machine.

Absolutely All makes and models wanted, Any condition what so ever.

Contact us NOW with details and pictures of your unwanted Slots, Vending Machines, Pinball Machines or Jukeboxes for an instant quote!


Summary of our website and service: How to sell fruit machines, How to sell Slot Machines, How to sell One Arm Bandit

One Arm Bandits, Slot Machines, Vending Machines, Mechanical Slots, Restoration of Mills, Jennings, Caille, Sega, Watling, Pace, Buckley, Ballys, Bryans and Allwins.

Always Wanted One Arm Bandits Slot Machines We buy, sell, repair and service the following brands: Restorations, Restore a slot machine, Restore, Caille Commercial, Caille Ben Hur, Caille, clean a slot, repair slot machine, Golden Nugget, Buckley Bones, Jennings Standard Chief Bell, Jennings Buckaroo, Mills Diamond BellCherry Front, Watling Rol-A-Top, Rol-A-Top Bird of Paradise, Checkerboard, Mills Silent Golden Bell, Mills Bonus Bell, Horse Head, Mills Liberty Bell, Jennings Little Duke, Mills Bursting Cherry, Mills Hi Top, Mills Futurity, Mills Black Cherry and most other machines from the years of 1910 through to 1980. Pace Kitty, Pace Comet, Nestle Vending, Restore Slot machines, Vintage Slot machines, Wanted all vintage slot machines, wanted vending machines, wanted watling, wanted mills, wanted pace, wanted mechanical, wanted jennings, kitty, pace, payramid, slot books, one arm bandit books, bryans elevenses, bryans bullion, stevenage, hertfordshire, herts, free ads, slot machine for sale, one arm bandit for sale, free slot machine guide, vca auction, morphy auctions, morphy usa, watling slots, wanted slots,

Homeland Sales of Slots and Spare Parts Restoration of Vintage Slots Repair and Servicing Contact and Location Details Visit Our Facebook Page